Friday, June 5, 2009


"What do Baptist leaders do about a minister reported to them for child molestation?


Nothing even when another minister knows about the abuse and says so. Nothing even when the largest statewide Baptist organization in the country concludes there is "substantial evidence" the abuse took place. Nothing even when the man is still working in children's ministry.

Do they warn people in the pews? No. Do they provide counseling for the victim? No. Do they remove the man from ministry? No.

This is the reality that Christa Brown encountered in Baptist-land when she tried to report the minister who molested her as a kid. It was a reality she couldn't accept.

This Little Light is the documented true story of her determination to assure that what was done unto her would not be done unto others."

Foremost Press

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Very compelling and well written. Everyone should read this book. I haven't been able to stop crying since I finished it.